Neighborhood Voting Member Election

Special thanks to all who participated in the Neighborhood Voting Member election. New NVMs will start their service in January. View your neighborhood’s NVM for 2025.

The following neighborhoods are still in need of NVM representation for 2025. If you are interested, please complete the form below.

  • Desert Parks
    • The Estates – East
  • Silverleaf
    • Upper Canyon – Saguaro Canyon/Wingspan (6.3-6.7)
    • Upper Canyon – Wingspan (6.13/6.14/6.15)
    • ICON at Silverleaf

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DC Ranch Property Address*
Please write your candidate statement in the provided box (maximum approx. 250 words)
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Policy 106 Neighborhood Voting Members roles and responsibilities:

Ranch Association Policy 106 outlines the NVM role and responsibilities and is accessible online at New terms run January 1 through December 31, 2024. Each neighborhood may elect an NVM and Alternate NVM, however only the NVM shall have voting power unless unable to serve. Elected NVMs and Alternate NVMs will be asked to complete a brief training around mid-January to prepare for election of the Ranch Association Board Members which commences February 1 when applications are made available. The Annual Election and Meeting will be held April 1, 2024.

Per Section 106.6.b, the primary duties of an NVM are to: 1) elect-Ranch Association Board of Directors, 2) vote in all Association matters requiring a membership vote, 3) serve as chair of its Neighborhood Committee, should one be created under Article 5 of the Bylaws, 4) act as a liaison between the Board and its constituents on matters of importance to the neighborhood, and 5) provide a quorum of members for the annual meeting.

106.6.c: NVMs cast all allocated votes for Board candidates in a fair and ethical manner on behalf of their neighbors and should seek input from their neighborhood members before casting the neighborhood’s votes. Each lot represents one vote; each vote is counted in each voting block as determined by the Board.
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